Saturday, March 3, 2012

Washer/Dryer Stand

I'll admit it - I love Pinterest. I've gotten so many good ideas - some of which I've used already, some of which are on the calendar or in the works. One that I found & fell in love with was the homemade washer/dryer stand. Did you know the drawer units for under the units cost $200-$250 A PIECE?!?! I don't know about anyone else, but I don't have $500 laying around for 2 drawers. So you can imagine my drool when I saw one made for a fraction of the cost that had a storage option that I liked even better - basket storage/sorting! Yes please! I'm such a sucker for organization.

The original link can be found here (no way am I taking full credit for this idea!)...

I was finally able to convince Jeremy to take a crack at this puppy & when our best friend was in town visiting last month, they set to the project. A little bit of brown paint (that I already had), and we were out the door for $80 and about 4 hours of labor. I love it. The units are now at the perfect height for me - I'm 5'8" for heaven's sake - and the baskets underneath make sorting a lot neater than piles on top of the washer/on the laundry room floor. I've got a big basket for the clean & dry clothes, plus 2 for dirties waiting to be washed - baby & non-baby.

I am sooo happy with the results and definitely grateful to Jeremy & Erik!

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